Uptime Challenge

How can you participate?

It is simple, just run a Grin-Node over the measured time period from 22.03.2020 12:00:00 noon to 22.04.2020 12:00:00 noon (UTC+0) and connect your Grin-Node to (How to run a Grin-Node?).

Prizes / Free giveaways

The first TOP 20 (non commercial) nodes with highest up time are getting the following prizes:

1winner will be announced200 GRIN's + GRIN T-Shirt
2winner will be announced99 GRIN's + GRIN T-Shirt
3winner will be announced75 GRIN's + GRIN T-Shirt
4winner will be announced60 GRIN's
5winner will be announced50 GRIN's

Rule Update

If more than 20 Users replying to this Forum post telling us, we have successfully setup a Grin-Node and connected to, we will add 10 more T-Shirts to the winning pool.

  • Winners will be randomly chosen from all connected nodes during the 4 week Challenge
  • Top20 Nodes can not win any additional T-Shirts
  • Only non-commercial Grin-Nodes can win any prices.

How to claim your prize?

Get in contact with us and proof you own this node. We will publish the winners here and every winner gets a uniq URL which he has to visit from his Grin-Node IP address.

Why are we doing this?

To stabilize the GRIN-Network, we need to ensure we have enough running Grin-Nodes on the Main-Grin-Network. We are believing in GRIN and the future of GRIN, therefore we setting up this challenge. Also by asking the community to connect to our infrastructure we can test our high-availability and stress-test the internal Servers.

Challenge leaderboard

#IP addressFirst seenLast seenUser agentTotal uptimeTriesAverage Uptime
No data available

Last updated: Thu Jan 01 1970 00:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Response time:

* checks the connected peers every 30 minutes. When a peer is seen, it will get an additional uptime (As seen in total_uptime). The tries is the amount of times the peer was checked by The average_uptime is the total number of uptimes divided by tries/checks.